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Welcome to the Utility Library documentation; here you can found everything about the utility.


Utility serves to reduce and simplify the long and tedious processes of creating a script. Take for example the initialization of ESX which translates to StartESX().

I developed this library for my own use, but only once I realized the great help and the great simplification of many steps, i decided to publish it to facilitate the work of newbies and veterans, hoping to receive suggestions and support to integrate new features that bring the library to be always updated and useful.


Implementation in other script

In order to use the Utility you need to load it via the fxmanifest.lua


The normal one is:

You can also use the minimized version via:


The normal one is:

You can also use the minimized version via:


In the snippets there is the Utility:


Utility Library was created by XenoS.exe#2859

Thanks also to MarKz#3003 for giving me the chance to test and develop the library on her RP server

To do

Improving object and iObject
Adding society implementation for server-side
Cloning money and database thing for server-side

Affiliated documentations

Utility Bank (NEW)
Utility Weapons
Utility Pause Menu

Last update: April 15, 2024
Created: June 27, 2021