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TakeObjectOnHand (Client side)

Take the object defined as an argument

Argument Data Type Needed Default Description
Ped ped - The ped that take the object
Entity entity/string/hash - The entity to take, you can pass the object handle or the model name/hash
zOffset number 0.2 The z offset
xPos number 0.2 The x position for the attachment
yPos number 0.08 The y position for the attachment
zPos number 0.2 The z position for the attachment
xRot number -45.0 The x rotation for the attachment
yRot number 290.0 The y rotation for the attachment
zRot number 0.0 The z rotation for the attachment

Dont need to be called every frame


With the model name

TakeObjectOnHand(PlayerPedId(), "prop_roadcone02a")
With the entity handle
TakeObjectOnHand(PlayerPedId(), obj)

Last update: June 6, 2023
Created: June 27, 2021