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Moves an entity based on a cubic bezier. Is a little "advanced" logic to explain how it works in a nutshell. You can also use (select the arrow next to copy and copy the last one, remember to add a 0 before the numbers)


Thanks to for the incredible math behind this, i just converted the code to lua and did the NEWTON_MIN_SLOPE tweening, since precision rounding in lua seems to be different than in js.

Argument Data Type Needed Default Description
obj object -
destination vector3 - The destination coords, you can also use GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords
duration number - Total duration in ms
cubicBezier table/string - A table containing the 2 points or one of the predefined cubic beziers

Dont need to be called every frame

Predefined cubic beziers
Name Description
ease Indicates that the interpolation starts slowly, accelerates sharply, and then slows gradually towards the end. This keyword represents the easing function cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0). It is similar to ease-in-out, though it accelerates more sharply at the beginning.
easeIn Indicates that the interpolation starts slowly, then progressively speeds up until the end, at which point it stops abruptly. This keyword represents the easing function cubic-bezier(0.42, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0).
easeOut Indicates that the interpolation starts abruptly and then progressively slows down towards the end. This keyword represents the easing function cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 0.58, 1.0).
easeInOut Indicates that the interpolation starts slowly, speeds up, and then slows down towards the end. This keyword represents the easing function cubic-bezier(0.42, 0.0, 0.58, 1.0). At the beginning, it behaves like the ease-in keyword; at the end, it is like the ease-out keyword.

Source of descriptions

With Predefined Cubic Bezier
local offset = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(obj, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0)

TranslateObjectCoordsCubicBezier(obj, offset, 5000, "ease")
With Custom Cubic Bezier
local offset = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(obj, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0)

TranslateObjectCoordsCubicBezier(obj, offset, 5000, {0.0, 0.9, 1.0, 1.0})

Last update: June 6, 2023
Created: June 6, 2023