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Is the listener of the emitter

Argument Data Type Needed Default Description
Type string - The type of the emitter
Callback function - The function that will be executed when the event has been triggered
Fake Triggerable boolean false If that is true you can use the trigger Utility:FakeTrigger to trigger the emitter

Emitter Types

Name Description Parameters
marker Triggered when the player interact with a marker id
object Triggered when the player interact with a iobject id
spotted Triggered when the player is spotted by a guard guard (entity)
entered Triggered when the player enter a marker/object type, id
leaved Triggered when the player leave a marker/object type, id

Dont need to be called every frame

On("marker", function(id)
    if id == "potato" then
        print("I love potato")
    elseif id == "carrot" then
        print("I hate carrot")
Example of the fake trigger
--                                    Type       Id
TriggerEvent("Utility:FakeTrigger", "marker", "potato")

Last update: October 31, 2022
Created: June 27, 2021