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Is equal to the standard one but dont need to load or request the model

Argument Data Type Needed Default Description
Model string/number - The hash or the name of the model
Coords vector3/number - The coordinates to create the ped (can be an vector3 or you can insert it one by one)
Heading number - The heading to create the ped
IsNetwork boolean - Whether to create a network object for the ped. If false, the ped exists only locally.
Data Type Description
ped A script handle (fwScriptGuid index) for the ped, or 0 if the ped failed to be created.
netId The net id

Dont need to be called every frame


Using vector3

local ped, netId = CreatePed("cs_dale", vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 5.0, true)
Using separated coords
local ped, netId = CreatePed("cs_dale", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0, true)

Old method
local modelHash = GetHashKey("cs_dale")

if not HasModelLoaded(modelHash) then
    while not HasModelLoaded(modelHash) do 

local ped = CreatePed(0, modelHash, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0, true, false)
Using old native

although i dont recommend it, you can use the old native via old_CreatePed

Last update: April 12, 2022
Created: July 2, 2021